Tuesday 13 August 2013

Sputnik Sweetheart

"Norwegian Wood" was my first Murakami novel and also the first book that I read written by a Japanese author.
Something in his style of writing grabbed me since the beginning so I decided to choose something else by him.
At first sight, Sputnik Sweetheart seems just another ordinary story about a love triangle but soon, you will discover the strong intensity of all its characters.
It is narrated in the first person by "K", whose name we never know. In spite of this, the main character is Sumire, a young Japanese girl who is a lover of classical music and dreams of becoming a great writer. Her entire life taken an unexpected turn when she meets Miu, a Korean pianist and a wine importer, and begins to work for her as a personal assistant.
Both start a journey around Europe and finally, they end up on a little Greek island where strange things happen.
The author uses this setting to introduce situations in connection with the Sci-Fi. This mix between the real and the surreal transports you to another world in a few parts of the book.
In this context Murakami talks about daily life in Tokyo, solitude, passionate behaviours and above all,unrequited love.
The thing I love most about him is his way of describing feelings, which makes you feel so identified with the characters that you are unable to stop reading!


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